One of the Wollmeise Sockenwolle Paul Monkeys now done. This yarn is really divine to work with, very soft despite not yet being washed!

I used a non twisted rib on the cuff for a change with a no purl modification. Everything else is as CookieA's pattern states. I used 2.5mm needles for the sock but 2.25mm needles for the heel flap. :)
oh I love this:) Have some Paul I think but this pattern totally messed up with me:(
Oh what wonderful socks!
Very, very nice socks. i like the no purl method.
Really beautiful - gorgeous gorgeous colors!!
Oh Wow! Paul looks so much better knit up! Let me tell you, after is divine, no pilling..I'd sell all my sock yarn to only have Wollmeise!
those are lovely colours and the sock looks beauiful as always.....
the single looks so beautiful. Because of your pictures I ve bought the Paul to and started knitting immediatly. :o)
Zonda that is wonderful news!!!
thank you for the lovely comments. :)
Ute I will have to see how your socks knit up too :)
Ambermoggie try it again, I find I could now knit Monkeys in my sleep the pattern is so simple! :)
Mmmmm, how pretty and autumnal.
Oh, so very Gauguin! I think Claudia totally nailed this colorway.
Love it!
You must have this pattern memorized! Each pair is lovely!
the yarn is gorgeous, I must knit some monkeys!
I Love those colors!
wow, they're fantastic - I do love a bit of wollmeise ;)
That yarn is terrific! I much prefer the all-knit mod to the original when a variegated yarn is used.
What a lovely sock - the yarn and pattern work very well together. I have yet to try to Wollmeise but have heard so many good things about it - one day....
Whenever you fancy tackling the Kareninas I'll be right here to help although I'm sure you won't need it!
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