Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Stash Expanding 2007..........another phase...

Some Cherry Tree Hill in Peacock and Old Rose from Woolly Workshop.

Some Lornas Laces sock in Childsplay and Rainbow and Regia Silk Blue Jeans from Cnyttan Patterns

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Expand your stash 2007

Expand your stash original button can be found here! Not that I NEED a button to enhance my stash ;) :)

Who?........ do I look like?

I found this on Bente B's Blog and thought I'd have a go. I could only find the one picture taken of me at a christening 18 months ago. Usually it is me taking the pictures! :)

I was very surprised at who they said I looked like, I was thinking Nora Batty!!

New Etsy shop for stitchmarkers........

I wanted to share with you this lovely new shop on Etsy. The seller is a lovely girl on a craft forum I frequent. She makes fabulously detailed tiny animal stitchmarkers from Fimo. They are way too small and detailed for me to take photos with my digital camera, it simply doesn't do them justice. You'll have to visit the shop to see for yourself. :)

The animals I have bought in the past are pigs and sheep. Other forum members have bought parrots, owls and ducks. We have requested dragons and cows, you might think of others? :)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Why ??

Why when Colinette is so stingy with it's yardage, [291yds/267m
as opposed to 380yards in Socks That Rock (similar yarn) for the same price] does my skein come in 4 pieces. It's for socks and I'm presuming that knots in socks aren't great for comfort. You can see from the size of the 'balls' of Jitterbug that it's not that it's conveniently in 2 bits. No it's in 4 bits. I'd send this back if it wasn't bought for my 9 year old and the full amount will probably not be needed anyway. But I am peeved! It's not as if I'd bought 'seconds' instead of just feeling like I did.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

First Monkey Sock done.............

This is my first Monkey sock. It is knitted in Piece of Beauty Yarn, colour Red Bark. This yarn is beautiful to knit with. Soft, and firm, albeit a little splitty at the beginning of the ball, but only the beginning. This is so much fun :D

Friday, February 23, 2007

More yarn..................

Enough for a pair of socks and some lace I think!

Louet Gems in Pink Panther and Sweet Georgia in Orchid Hand-painted.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Todays parcels included........

These arrived today and were waiting for me when I got home. Isn't this a nice welcome home? :)

My first sock blockers. Should they look so much bigger than my feet, or is it all down to perspective?

I'll be settling down later with my new IWK.

Closeup of yarn.

Fleece Artist 100% Merino, Pinata/Tiger/Ebony.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Inspirational Cinderella stocking finished

Look what got finished! Ruth's first Cinderella Stocking, more here and here.

Isn't it fabulous! :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Look what arrived today!

From the left LL GoldHill and Denim/Claudia Honey/Jitterbug Lapis/Silkwood Tag Too/and above that Violet Green's Stroud wools in Rorty.
The Claudia and Lornas Laces was got at cnyttanpatterns.

Nice aren't they :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007


With the kind and expert help of Jacquie and others at Crafty Threads 'n' Yarns Forum. I was able to change my pink header for some Yarn PrØn. Much nicer :)

Thanks guys!

Talking of Yarn. I've been spending more on sock yarns this week. This a taster of the orders :)

3rd pair now finished...........

I need to wash them to soften them before DH can wear them. I started 4th pair already. Does this addiction ever wan? :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Excitement is building!

The Rockin Sock Club Blog is now open, the first Competition is underway and the anticipation is building! :)

This picture shows some of the new upcoming colours. The theme is
Tides and the 2 is to be our April's club colour. I think they look lovely :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

More inspirational socks...........

More of these 2 patterns can be seen either at Stitches West or on Knitters Anonymous

Blue Moon add new colours!

I have only just ordered and they've added more colours. I especially love Little Bunny Foo Foo, it is like a pink version of Lucy, scrummy :)

Although I haven't set eyes on the new Interweave Knits I understand that these colours are advertised in the new magazine.

I think these two will be next on the shopping list, but not this month!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Harry Potter Character Compatibility Test

You scored as Hermione Granger. You're extremely hard-working and will not feel satisfied with yourself unless you've given everything your all. You're very intelligent and make good use of your witty remarks and astounding ability to insult people. You tend to be a stickler for the rules but are smart enough to know that rules sometimes need to be broken. Your major downfall, however, is your fear of failure, which you should have no reason to fear. You love your friends but also like to keep them in line.

Harry Potter Character Combatibility Test
created with

Third set of socks started...................

The first sock of my 3rd set. See you all have me addicted. LOL I wonder could I get the 2nd finished to give as an extra Valentine Day gift??

More Socks that Rock on it's way..............

I loved the STR yarn so much that I ordered these. My Rockin Sock Club will come in a few weeks but I have withdrawal symptoms already. I'm knitting some Opal socks for DH and in comparison it feels like old rope! I wonder if I am spoiled for other yarns?? If any reader has knit with STR and found other sock yarn that compares favourably do please let me know. I would hate to miss out on another great yarn through ignorance. :D

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I trawl through various blogs day by day admiring knitting, design, colour and wit. Sometimes there is just something breathtaking that changes the knitting I do. I wanted to share Roobeedoo's latest enterprise. She won the Cinderella Purlescence competition and I have been inspired by the design she is currently knitting up. She also had the excellant taste to use Piece of beauty yarn, especially designed for the stockings, a favourite yarn of mine. :)

Ruth inspired me to take courage and start knitting socks, not just writing about it. Thanks Ruth, I'm waiting with bated breath to see the finished stockings, good luck! :)

Monday, February 12, 2007

In situ!

There is something so satisfying about customer satisfaction! These had to be put on today and nothing else would do even though blue socks would go better with his outfit! :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Stash additions...............

Dee on Posh Yarns is moving so she had a massive sale tonight. I waited until the rush had passed and then chose these 3. One is to be used as sock yarn (Lucia Gladrags)to feed the new acquired habit and some Eva (Limpid and Cumulus) for the Forest Canopy Shawl. If I ever stop knitting socks that is to knit it :)

Another pair of socks???

Well I think I got bitten by the sock bug. I had some yarn over from my STR socks so I decided to try knitting a pair for my son aged 2. I had no pattern so I improvised based on the one I had just knitted. My son spent most of this afternoon wearing one without shoes while I finished the other one, refusing to take it off so I could check for symmetry, hence a little fuzzing on one sock. The little ball of wool is what is left over from a skein of STR mediumweight and a pair of socks for me and a pair for DS. :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Finished first socks!

My first socks, warts and all. :)

I learnt a lot knitting these, the second one is so much better knitted for a start! The toe on the first isn't the same, somehow I misread the pattern. But I am so pleased with having actually finished these. I will post a photo of them on me when the buttons are added. I will be wearing them, imperfections and all. :)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nearly finished.................

I've a few lines and a kitchener line to finished the first pair of socks ever. I'll have to get some suitable buttons. But once I've done the last lines I consider the knitting done :) Photos tomorrow!

In celebration I asked Kirsty to invoice me some of her latest Piece of Beauty Yarn called Desert bloom.

Monday, February 05, 2007

A gift basket

This little basket was knit as a present for a niece. I packed it with 'goodies' and decorated it with a little westie terrier button, she has a lovely little westie named Daisy. It was knitted with DB soho and felted. She can use it as a 'tidy' for her dressing table.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

New aquisitions...............

These arrived yesterday. The pencils were specially done by Hazel from Kitz & Glitz, they're for my older sister to match her cat knitting needles. The journal is almost too nice to write on, almost. :)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

First sock done...........

I did make minor mistakes, but that's the learning curve, isn't it? I will start number 2 immediately to avoid Second Sock Syndrome. :)

I need to add buttons but will do this when both are finished.

It fits perfectly and even more surprisingly it doesn't itch, at all!!!