Thursday, February 01, 2007

Not knitting related................HP7

I just have to add a quick note to express my dichotomos joy/sorrow that the final Harry Potter Book will be released on 21st July 2007. I want to read it but I don't want the story to end also. Perverseness!


Unknown said...

I felt the same way today when I got my notice! I'm torn, I want to see how it ends, but yet, am fearful of how it ends and that it's ending. I'm also debating getting in the store where there is the chance someone will go straight to the back and yell out the ending or doing it by post where I will be secluded from everyone?

Anonymous said...

Oh yummy, I'm so curious! But, as you put it, I'm pretty much torn as well between just having to know how it ends and being fearful of exactly that at the same time...

Maggan said...

I soo agree!!! It´s a big trauma.... knowing something tragic will happen and all....
I´m counting the days til the release of The order of Phoenix on the cinemas!

Piglottie said...

I know exactly how you feel Gilraen! Some of my favourite books have had that joy/sorrow combo towards the end. I will also miss working at the school library (although its been over 2 years since I left!) as the children got so excited when a new HP was due out.

As sad as it is though, I don't blame her for considering killing Harry off as look at how some wonderful books have been spoilt by sequels not written by the original authors. But Harry may still get a reprieve :)