I have been nominated for a "You make my Day Award" by Terri and Maggan
I have to award to others now. I would have added Terri and Maggan anyway, but since they have been awarded already I will use their slots for some of the many georgeous blogs I read. Piglottie as already been awarded or she would be top of the list. Joy has a lovely balanced blog with stories of interest and lovely modelled knits. Fiona and LittleBerry I find inspirational reads. Noo and Natalie are EcoWarriers who act now and then as a social conscience for me but who entertain nonetheless. Zonda and Shannon who I aspire to knit/spin/photograph like etc and are fun reads too. Queen of the Froggers and Sussex Yorkie who have lovely stash and wonderful knits too and are also happy to share their adventures. Kay who I admire for her sock yarn stash but mainly because she is such a lovely brave person. There are loads of other regular and wonderful reads, but strangely enough some of them already have awards! ;) :)
Thank you guys for all collectively but not exclusively making my Days a brighter place. :D
You are so worth it! ;) (the award I mean ;)
Well done on the award.
Congrats on your award - you definitely deserve it!
Catching up on your posts - you are an amazing sock knitter!
Your award is deserved for those lovely stash photos and your great knits. Thank you too for visiting my blog. xxx
Me stash, never! A well deserved award for you, I always enjoy seeing your purchases and knits.
You are the Monkey Socks Queen, they're all gorgeous. Thanks for your kind words on my Rogue too :)
your award is so deserved for all the wonderful (enabling) photos you take! Thank you so much for mine - it will be treasured.
You have a well deserved reward there! Thank you for mentinoing me in such good company and saying such nice things. I always think the same when I read what you've been up to!
Congratulation Gilraen on your award - I love visting your blog, it's a riot of colour and an inspiration to us all.
And thank yo very much for my award, which I have to say means a lot!
Congratulations hun and very worthwhile! I must put some nominations up on my blog but I fear everyone (you included!) will already have been taken.
Gosh, thank you :o)
I may have to wait a day or two to pass this on due to being computerless at the moment, but I'll treasure it.
Congrats! Awards like that are warm fuzzies all around.
And thank you. <3
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